Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Call to Action

I know its been forever since I posted anything, and I really do need to get back into it...

But even more important: you can help end a war. Show the U.S. Government and the world's leaders that we desire to put a stop to the longest running war and end Kony's reign of terror throughout Eastern Africa.


1. Visit
2. Sign the petition calling for President Obama to lead the effort to end the war in Uganda
3. Tell you friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances, people you pass on the street to do the same.

Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can change the world.

Thank you.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Twitter is the new rage on the internet… people attempting to encapsulate their entire beings into 150 characters (it’s not something I have joined, as I have already written 148 and not said anything…)

But because I haven’t updated, and I want to, but I don’t have the time or the words here is my last 6 months in 150 characters:

Cooking-Cleaning-Knitting. Job Search-Defeat-Concede. Collating-Copying-Collections. Hope: Apply-Interview-Accept. Acholi Beads: San Diego-Sunshine-Uganda-New Beginnings

So… it’s a few more than 150. but I tried….

Coming soon: an actual blog. Hopefully.

Love you all

Friday, January 9, 2009


I’ve been talking to God a lot more lately, and it’s been wonderful. He’s so good at guiding me, teaching me and helping me take steps towards becoming a better woman.

Something I’ve been thinking about a lot today is forgiveness. Not even of others, but of myself. For some reason, it’s easier for me to forgive the actions of others than it is for me to forgive myself.

But I’m learning. To forgive myself for chances I didn’t take and risks I shouldn’t have. For words I spoke to myself that hurt and words I didn’t speak to others to encourage. I’m forgiving myself for the moments I expected more of myself than I could give and asking forgiveness for moments I didn’t do all I could. Forgiveness of dreams I didn’t reach for, hopes I refused to share and weaknesses I didn’t get help with.

Slowly but surely, I’m learning to be kinder to myself. To view myself through the eyes of My Creator, who loves me. The other night I was reading a book, and the author wrote about the sweetest way she views her relationship with God; that whenever He plays Red Rover, he always calls her over… because He always wants her on His team. I’m learning to let that thought soak into my heart… that God wants me on His team, and I’d like to have me on mine, as well. :)