Monday, February 4, 2008


It's Saturday morning, 16 days to go till I'm on a plane back to the states. I'm in the office right now, getting ready to visit a school site (Atanga) and take some pictures of the construction works there...

I don't have a lot of time, and my brain is uber fuzzy whenever I try to think/speak/right coherently... so I'm going to post something I've already written. For those of you who don't know (which I think is the majority), I applied to work in the Invisible Children office in San Diego. I'm being interviewed for it next week, but I'm going to just copy and paste something I wrote in my letter of intent... I think it's a pretty good summary of how I feel at this moment...

It has been here, in Gulu, that I feel like I’ve started becoming the person I want to be. I’ve seen how my quirky strength of loving admin work (crossing items off a checklist gives me a little personal high) can be used to help others accomplish amazing goals and dreams. My own weakness of being a little too detail-orientated has been offset by people who dream of wonderful, big ideas that motivate me in ways I can’t do myself. I’ve met people who have suffered hardship after hardship, but they still have the most beautiful smiles that split their face in two over the simplest pleasures; friends whose kindness and generosity amongst their own financial struggles have inspired me; children whose laughter ringing through the air reminds me that hope survives all things.

love you all... see you soon.