Sunday, September 2, 2007

"Welcome to the Shire"

So, I'm sitting in the living room of the intern/roadie house here in San Diego. There's 30 people... which equals 30 names... which equals me wishing that everyone in the world wore a nametag 24/7... or at least the hours they were awake (although, name tags would be helpful when it comes to waking people up).

It's already been a little crazy. Apparently, no one at the house was even aware of the fact that we were coming, so I didn't know where I was coming until around 1:00pm, and the other intern, Kristin, was left waiting at the airport (I got a phone call from her a little after 7... we were both thankful that I had given her my number earlier in the week.) I'm not exactly sure where will be sleeping, yet. I think there is an open spot on a couch, if not, I'm sure I can grab some floor.

I'm not gonna write too much... I feel a bit anti-social... but I'll "talk" to y'all soon!

1 comment:

Meg said...

betsy betsy!! i still can't belive that you're gone....ahh!

i hope you learn mucho and have an amazing time!