Tuesday, September 4, 2007

settlin' in

So Kristin and I went into the office for the first time today (we went in yesterday, but the person who is to train us, Katie, just got back from Uganda on Sunday, so she wasn't in. We ended up going to Barnes and Noble, and to the movies. It was a tough day ;)). We started off by watching a few of the IC videos (Innocent, Emmy, Grace and Sunday, for those of you who were curious)and then went to lunch with Katie and Sarah, who was the GO photography intern this past summer. It was great, getting to talk with them about their experiences. We were able to ask all the important questions like, "How bad is the food" (they had some positives to say about it, which was nice) and "how many people will be living in the house with us?" (while living with 30 people has been a way more positive experience than I ever thought it could be, I do miss having a bed and the option to take a shower without someone walking through... apparently since we're going in the fall, the house is way quieter than during the summer)

After lunch, I had the opportunity to learn how to work their phone system (I kept having to stop myself from answering "Flipside Office"... that may have confused a few people) and write thank you cards to people who have sent money to IC (one was to a group of kids who raised money to build a well by recycling water bottles. It's so great to see kiddos affecting the world in such a positive way so early in life. It inspires so much hope for the future).

Tonight was a goodbye dinner for the roadies. They begin their "staggered exodus" Thursday and the last group leaves Sunday. So we got to watch some new media (a video their showing after their screening of the Emmy movie, a video from the first roadie trip, and one from the most recent national tour), and then hear from Bobby and Laren (2 of the original founders of IC). It was a trip meeting Bobby, I'm not gonna lie. I don't get "star struck" really easily, but I was just a bit when I met him. (I got over it pretty quick. but during those first few initial moments it took me a few extra seconds to formulate correct responses to simple questions).

I've loved my experience so much thus far. I realize these brief summaries don't even begin to capture how amazing it's been. Everyone I've met has been so kind and caring. We (kristin and I) were talking with one of the roadies tonight, Will, who has been volunteering with IC a long time now, and he put it so well. (I think he was quoting Laren, though). Normally when you meet someone, you get to know little bits about them, and it's like getting to know their toes and fingers, their elbows. But here, you get to know their heart so quickly, because it beats to the same rhythm as yours.

To be surrounded by so many beautiful hearts has been the biggest blessing. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support that have enabled me to be here now. I don't even know how to repay you all.

1 comment:

jamievee said...

I love you and am so glad you are having fun....miss ya pal:)