Saturday, April 19, 2008


A place where one lives; a residence.
American Heritage Dictionary

It seems so simple. "a place...a residence." Strip away emotion, and all that is left is a building. A few rooms, some floors, hopefully a roof.

But, I know home is so much more than that. It's a sense of belonging. Of togetherness. Of doing life alongside people. A place of refuge, a place of purpose, of opportunity.

I've thought more about this idea of "Home" in the past few months than I ever thought possible. Is "home" a location, as american heritage dictionary would have me believe, or is it simply a feeling? Can I be home at more than one place? Can someone never be home at all? Where is my home?

That last one is the hardest for me now. Because I do belong where I am, in Alta Loma, in some ways. There are people here who love and support me, a job that provides my neccesities, a church I adore. And God, obviously, is everywhere.

In other ways, however, I feel like I don't belong. A bit out of step with the world around me, either a few steps ahead or lagging behind. People around me are moving forward towards dreams, goals and ambitions, and I've been spinning my wheels for the past 6 weeks.

I don't know if I need a change of scenery, a change of perspective, a change of pace, a change of heart. But I know I need some sort of change. Because I am convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that life is meant to be lived not just survived. That there is purpose in everyday, an opportunity to love, a chance to be loved. That we have gifts and talents we can use to bless others, communities that we can be a part of, people that we can let into our hearts.

A place to call home.

And I feel like I'm just searching for the path that will take me to mine.

I've decided to be a but more public with what I'm currently going through in my heart and mind, in hopes that people will enter into this journey with me and pray as I look to see what God has next for me. I feel so blessed to do life with the people God has given me, and I'm so thankful for you all. I just know that where I am now isn't where I'm supposed to be forever, and I'm a bit impatient to get onto the next step... whatever that is.

I love you all. God Bless,

1 comment:

curious and curiouser... said...

Betsy ~ you make my heart smile... thank you for sharing your journey with me, it is a privilege that I hold dear... I love reading your blog and being able to see a glimpse of the world through your eyes and heart ~ thank you sister... and I know it sounds a bit "corny" ~ but I believe "home" is relative and can be more than just one place... "home" is where the heart is <3